Tuesday, 5 April 2016

On Hebrews 10

On Hebrews 10

The Torah is a shadow, a foreshadow, a light shadow, of The World To Come.  The Torah is the light of the New Creation.  The Torah is the light shadow of The Resurrection of Yehoshua, shinning as a reflection off the face of this world.

The shadow of light by itself could not make us perfect due to the depth of corruption in our hearts.  For we were sold under the sin of Adam. Due to our love of sin, sometimes in the past sin deceived us and our minds were fooled, so that we blamed the light shadow, the Torah as we knew it, for not having the power to save us..

On account of this foolishness we will be ashamed in the day of Yehoshua (Jesus/Yeshua), unless we repent and are renewed in our minds.  For when the full radiance of the Torah is revealed it will be manifested openly to our shame that the light of Yehoshua, whom G-d raised from the dead, is the very light of the Torah.  Then all standing before him shall know that before, in this world, it was shining only as a reflection to bring us to Mashiach (the Messiah), but then, in that day, we shall see his light shining in its full Torah glory!  We shall see the full Torah glory of the one who lived and died and rose again for the flesh and blood covenant family of Abraham. All from the nations who are adopted into that family by faith in that atonement that was made for them, for Israel, the covenant nation shall sing and rejoice with Israel and shall call with pure lips on the name of the G-d of Israel and shall be saved.

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